John Edward Goldsack (1921-1981) and his sister, Slyvia June
The above picture of my father was taken early in 1941. My family and I live in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. We live in the house that my father built. We have a small farm, where among other things we raise a mixed flock of sheep. Without knowing it I have followed in the footsteps of my ancestors. For centuries, Goldsacks (in my Line at least) have been Agricultural Labourers and Shepherds.
This Site is Dedicated to the Memory of Lettie Spraggon, Margaret Jackson and Ken Hooper - and All Goldsacks Who Came Before Us.
Mrs. Violetta Spraggon contacted me in 1995 enquiring about my connection to the Goldsack Family. She forwarded my reply to her cousin Margaret Jackson (nee Goldsack). Mrs. Jackson and her husband Arthur had been working for years at gathering data and building Goldsack Family Trees. During this period I was introduced to Ken Hooper from Ontario, another distant Goldsack relative, who was an avid researcher. Without the efforts of these individuals Goldsack research would not be where it is at today.
From Colsonsacke to Colonsacke to Gouldsacke to Goldsack (and all the variations in between)
While the exact origin of the Goldsack Clan has yet to be determined, the Line from East Kent is beginnig to take shape. The Goldsack Tree is spreading it's branches and we can use all the help we can get.
If you have a Goldsack in your family history we would like to hear from you. Your information is important and it needs to be added to our date base.
Please check out the Goldsack Site:
If you can't determine where you fit send me a message and we will do our best to make the connection.
The Goldsack Story
Many thanks to my seventh cousin, Jeanne Whitney. Her book, The Goldsack Story - From Kent to South Australia (1990), is well presented and well worth reading.
The detail of her book was an inspiration to me, and really was the fuel that drove me to try and discover all that I could about the Goldsack Clan.
A Big Thank You to Mrs. Clifford. My distant cousin who lives in the UK. Her family stories and information have been most interesting and helpful. Her enthusiasm has rubbed off on me and inspired me to work all the harder.